
Karaoke for The Cure - Disintegration 1989 09.The Same Deep Water As You

The Cure - Disintegration 1989 09.The Same Deep Water As You (09:19)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
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The Cure - 1015 Saturday Night (03:40)
The Cure - A Chain Of Flowers (04:55)
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The Cure - A Forest (04:55)
The Cure - A Forest (05:57)
The Cure - A Forest (04:55)
The Cure - A Forest (04:44)
Cure - A Letter To Elise (05:14)
The Cure - A Letter To Elise (05:14)
Cure - A night like this (04:10)
The Cure - A Night Like This (04:16)
The Cure - A Reflection (02:11)
The Cure - A strange day (05:04)
The Cure - A Strange Day (05:04)
The Cure - Accuracy (02:16)
The Cure - Accuracy (02:18)
The Cure - Accuracy (02:19)
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The Cure - All Cats Are Grey (05:28)
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The Cure - alt (04:29)
The Cure - Anniversary (04:13)
The Cure - Another Day (03:43)
The Cure - Another Day (03:43)
The Cure - Another Day (03:44)
The Cure - At Night (05:55)
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry (02:41)
The Cure - Boys Dont Cry (02:41)
Cure - Boys Dont Cry (03:03)
The Cure - Boys Dont Cry (02:33)
The Cure - Boys Dont Cry (02:33)
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The Cure - Boys don´t cry (02:35)
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The Cure - Burn (06:38)
The Cure - Burn (06:39)
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The Cure - Catch (02:42)
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The Cure - Charlotte Sometimes (04:16)
The Cure - Close To Me (03:41)
The Cure - Close To Me (03:22)
The Cure - Close To Me (05:46)
The Cure - Close to Me (04:21)
The Cure - Cold (04:26)
The Cure - Cold (04:26)
The Cure - Come on Eileen (04:13)
The Cure - Crow (06:38)
The Cure - Cut Here (04:08)
The Cure - Disintegration (08:23)
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The Cure - Disintegration 1989 02.Pictures Of You (07:25)
The Cure - Disintegration 1989 03.Closedown (04:18)
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The Cure - Disintegration 1989 08.Prayers For Rain (06:04)
The Cure - Disintegration 1989 09.The Same Deep Water As You (09:19)
The Cure - Disintegration 1989 10.Disintegration (08:21)
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The Cure - Fire In Cairo (03:23)
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The Cure - Friday I m In Love (03:38)
The Cure - Friday Im In Love (03:39)
The Cure - Friday Im In Love (03:35)
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The Cure - Just like heaven (03:31)
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The Cure - Love Song (03:29)
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The Cure - Love Song (03:32)
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The Cure - Lovesong (03:26)
The Cure - Lovesong (03:29)
The Cure - Lovesong (03:28)
The Cure - Lovesong (03:23)
Cure - Lullaby (04:09)
The Cure - Lullaby (04:09)
The Cure - Lullaby (04:11)
The Cure - Lullaby (04:10)
The Cure - Lullaby (04:09)
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The cure - More Than This (05:11)
The Cure - Object (03:03)
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The Cure - On (02:53)
The Cure - One Hundred Years (06:40)
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The Cure - Pictures of You (04:43)
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The Cure - Play For Today (03:41)
The Cure - Prayers for rain (04:47)
The Cure - Primary (03:39)

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